About Us
From Running to Wellness
Baleka Wellness began as a fitness group and long distance running program. As the group grew we began to explore other ways to connect and grow. We soon discovered that the natural beauty of Cape Town, South Africa, was something that many of our group members had scarcely explored. As a way to expand outside our home base of Gugulethu, we began hiking and exploring the landscape surrounding the Western Cape. Our hikes expanded into weekly gatherings which included exploring the outdoors and of course, braai! We started off as Baleka Run Club but realized that the impact we were having was beyond sport and exercise. It was through these good times, filled with exploration and sharing meals, that Baleka Wellness was born!
To improve the physical, mental, and emotional health of youth and young adults through engagement with nature and participation in outdoor sports and recreational activities.
We imagine a world where there is equitable access to resources that can improve physical, mental, and emotional health outcomes. We envision a future where all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic background or location, can freely engage with nature's transformative benefits. We also long for a society where systemic barriers no longer limit access to essential resources, including natural areas and health services.